pátek 17. června 2016


Reinforcement the Immune System. The Aloe Barbadensis - a large leaf and yellow flower, the. They have designed their toothbrush range together with a dental hygienist to offer the best possible performance, as well as strong environmental credentials. Curanatura use solid moso bamboo to make their toothbrush handles.

The toothbrushes are totally biodegradable and are packaged in a recycled brown paper sleeve and recycled card box.

Junior Size Bamboo Toothbrush Travel Case £6. CURANATURA BAMBUSOVÝ STOJÁNEK NA ZUBNÍ KARTÁČKY. NOVINKA - stojánek na zubní kartáčky. Táto zubná kefka kvalitou a dizajnom dopĺňa náš doterajší sortiment, no svojou mäkkosťou ho rozširuje.

Predstavuje nové štetinky s hrúbkou mm, najmäkkšie podľa. Zdravý kvalitní drevený zubní kartáček, který má Vaše zdraví na prvním místě! Plní přestižní světové zdravotní štandardy, a je 1 ekologická!

Enjoy free UK delivery over £30. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the worl and is an endlessly renewable resource. It grows naturally without using any pesticides or fertilizers, takes in greenhouse gasses and produces more oxygen than the equivalent trees.

Their range of toothbrushes have been designed alongside a dental hygienist to ensure they offer the performance as well as being biodegradable and sustainable. Il Centro benessere CuraNatura si trova nel cuore di Grottaferrata, in Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini 1. CuraNatura è un luogo dove lasciare alle spalle lo stress quotidiano e dove ritrovare rilassatezza e benessere, seguendo uno dei corsi proposti oppure con dei massaggi personalizzati. Contactgegevens en route, Natuurlijke Gezondheidspraktijk Cura Natura , regressietherapie, zielsregressie, Reiki, Reiki cursussen, natuurgeneeskunde.

ZDRAVÁ A PRÍRODNÁ ZUBNÁ KEFKA! Vieme, že pre zachovanie pevného zdravia sa musíme starať rovnako ako o seba tak aj o svoje okolie. Povrchová úprava rukojetí kartáčků zaručuje kromě atraktivního vzhledu a příjemného zacházení také karbonizaci jejich povrchu, která rapidně prodlužuje životnost rukojetí, dodává jim voděodolnost a zabraňuje tak. It removes plaque effectively and helps prevent tooth decay. Characteristics:removes plaqueeasy to handleHow to use:Put toothpaste on the brush, moisten and clean the teeth and mouth.

Try Prime Hello, Sign in Account. Guarda cosa ha scoperto CuraNatura ( curanatura ) su Pinterest, la raccolta di idee più grande del mondo. Finisajul periuței include carbonizarea suprafeței mânerului.

Se asigură astfel manevrarea confortabilă, un aspect atrăgător, dar și prelungirea substanțială a duratei de viață a mânerului, care devine impermeabil și respinge depunerile de. Povrchová úprava rukovätí kefiek zaručuje okrem atraktívneho vzhľadu a príjemného zaobchádzania tiež karbonizáciu ich povrchu, ktorá rapídne predlžuje životnosť rukovätí, dodáva im vodoodolnosť a zabraňuje tak usadzovaniu. Green Pioneer is based in the South West region of the UK. We are the sole European distributor for many of the brands we represent and we supply retailers in over countries around Europe. We run our own warehouse and keep stock of all products here in the UK.

Delivery costs are competitive and we offer free delivery for larger orders. The bristles contain micro-particles of active carbon to help naturally brighten teeth and disinfect the mouth. They are made from carbonised bamboo dust mixed with nylon - approximately bamboo, nylon. The handle is made of heat-treated bamboo grown in a sustainable manner.

Jako jedny z mála na trhu splňují všechna kritéria Světového sympozia dentální hygieny. Jsou vyrobené bez použití ftalátů a BPA (Bisfenolu-A) z telepně upraveného bambusu pěstovaného bez pesticidů a sbíraného s ohledem na dlouhodobou produkci. We have a selection of Zero-waste options to help reduce single use plastic.

Free delivery on orders over £within the UK.

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